
Final Task

  This is my short film which is my final task. My short film was about a prisoner that escaped jail. Then the prisoner ended up in a house that someone lived at. During my final task I had a lot of fun filming it and really enjoyed it. I think that my final task turned out better than I thought it would.

Planning Blog: Location, Sound, Participants, Health, Schedule

 The locations that I will be filming my short film in will be my backyard. I will also be filming my film inside my house. There will be two other participants in my short film. The participants will be my Mom and my Dad. To ensure our safety my parents have volunteered to act as a safety team by providing supervision. With access to a phone that can dial 911 and a first aid kit. The safety procedures will occur when there are scenes that involve a knife. For the scenes that involve a knife I will be using a fake knife. And that knife has been further dulled. I will have a first aid kit ready and someone watching if someone watching if something goes wrong. Filming will begin on 4/1/2021. On the day that I start filming I will be shooting scenes one through three. Then on 4/3/2021 I will be filming scenes four through five. And then on 4/5/2021 I will be filming scenes six through eight. Then on 4/7/2021 I will be filming scenes nine through ten. Then on 4/9/2021 I will be filming sce

Title research: Get out

 There are many different titles that are displayed during the opening sequence. The first few titles are all companies that help make the movie. One title is the creator of the film. Another title is the actual title the title of the movie. The next title is all of the actors that played in the movie. Then the final title is the people that worked on the movie. One image that is prioritized during the opening was that someone was putting a body in the trunk of there car. Another image that is prioritized was a car driving into the forest. The last thing that is prioritized was a couple living together. The first connotation in the first image is that person just killed the person there putting in the trunk. The second connotation in the second image is that there is a car driving into the woods. And it could be the person who put the other in the trunk driving into the woods. The last connotation in the last image is the couple living together. The people that are living together coul

Title research: Nightmare On Elm Street

 During the opening sequence there are many different titles presented throughout it. The first title is the company that produced the movie. The second title is the person who directed the movie. The third title is the actual title the movie name. And another title that id for the people who acted in the movie. Finally the last title is for the people that worked on the movie. The images that are prioritized in the opening credits. One of the images that is prioritized is a man who is making some sort of weapon. The other image that is prioritized is a women who is seen running from someone. During the opening scene there are some different connotations that can be seen in images. One connotation is the man making a weapon. That image carry's the idea that that man is the one who is chasing the girl who is running. It establishes the feeling of the genre by starting the movie with a man making weapon. It also has the feeling of a horror movie because it uses a classic horror movie

Title research: It (1990)

 There are multiple different titles that are displayed during the opening sequence. One of the titles is the creator of the movies name. Another title from the opening is the name of the movie. Also their is a title for all of the actors names during the sequence. Finally the last title in the opening sequence is some of the people that worked on the movie. During the opening sequence there are a few different images that are shown. One of the images that it goes through a lot pictures in a phot album. The other image is that it shows is different places of the town where the movie is taking place. The connotations that the images carry are that they show different places that are relevant to the story. The images also carry people that are relevant to the story. The film establishes a feeling of horror because it uses creepy images. The music also establishes a feeling of horror. The music causes that because it is very uneasy and unsettling. With the music and the images it feels li

Title research: Halloween (1978)

 The titles that are displayed during the opening sequence are the creators names. Another thing that is displayed during the opening is the name of the movie Halloween across the screen. The last title that was displayed was all of the actors names. In the opening sequence, while all of the titles where going by the screen was slowly zooming into a pumpkin. The title sequence only stops when it zooms into the eye of the pumpkin. Connotations are shown when the opening sequence is zooming into the pumpkin. There is connotations because the pumpkins nose is shaped as a knife to foreshadow. Also once the screen is fully zoomed in to the pumpkin it shows a man. Even from the start of the sequence it already feels like a horror movie because of the music's tone. The opening sequence uses a lot of strategies to appeal to its target audience. One strategy is that the tone of the music during the sequence makes the audience scared. It also uses the music to get people to associate it with